Thursday, June 28, 2012


The Story
Jun 28th 2012, 23:18

Laugh Riot

Greetings, my fellow Butlerphiles -

There's still not a whole lot going on with Gerry that's verifiable. Our not-so-little devil sure knows how to make like Houdini when he wants to, doesn't he? That's okay - I'm using the lull to mess around with this new wallpaper I'm making. I promise (threaten?) to share it with you when it's finished. I did manage to find a couple of little tidbits though so it's not a total drought!

We're finally starting to see some measurable progress on the OHF front. In addition to Aaron Eckhart as the POTUS, Angela Bassett has signed on to play Lynne Jacobs, Secret Service Director. That would make her Gerry's ex-boss, right? I can picture some great fiery exchanges between them…I like it. The White House façade being built is really starting to take shape too…take a look. _wht/Misc/Sets/tweetatgregwash2002_06231 2.jpg.html

Gerry's found his way onto yet another director's wish list, which I can already narrow down by two names. Mel Gibson's getting too old (not to mention he's a misogynistic anti-Semite) and Hugh Jackman's already done an "Outback Action Romance" with Nicole Kidman. Do you remember the movie "Australia?" If not don't worry about it – you weren't missing very much. It was okay, but JUST okay. t/film-director-simon-west-wants-hollywo od-stars-for-his-next-film-dust-and-glor y-set-in-australian-outback/story-e6frf9 6o-1226411613195

HEY! This is quite a coup for Dianne and the rest of the Obsessed. Millenium Studios contacted them with an offer of assorted pieces of Gerry memorabilia that they're going to try to have Gerry autograph for them. It would appear that Dianne's planning to take a page from the GALS playbook and auction them off for charity. Check out the juicy details here. Way to go, WOGBF's – I just got a tweet from the GALS congratulating you on your big score! ndex.cgi?action=display&board=welcome&th read=2774

Take a look at the great link my friend Tess Tkbr posted to Facebook. There are a ton of great photos. erard-Butler/pictures/

Very well thought out (albeit a tad long) review of Coriolanus. The author makes great observations and says some very nice things about Gerry. eview-review-coriolanus/

Pretty decent review of Machine Gun Preacher and they liked Gerry's performance. eview-machine-gun-preacher-blu-ray/

That's all for now my sisters. I'm afraid I won't be around much over the next few days. I'm going to Roger Waters' production of Pink Floyd's "The Wall" (hubby's one unrealized musical dream) in Hartford CT tomorrow night. On Saturday I have a family cookout to go to and, seeing as I won't be able to get ready for it tomorrow, I have to start making with the baking as soon as I log off tonight. I hope you have a wonderful weekend doing what you love, even if what you love is to do nothing at all. See you soon! ;-D

Love & Hugs to Everyone…


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