Friday, September 21, 2012 Fringe @ SEOValidator.Net

On average, is ranked #1,988,138 across major traffic ranking services such as Alexa. This metric shows the popularity of this site compared to other sites around the web. It domain created on 2001-09-28. It is getting about 259 page views per day. Visitors to the site view an average of 1.4 unique pages per day. Estimated daily time on site 2:13 seconds. It has an average of 1,740 pages indexed in major search engines like Google™. There are an average of 92 links pointing back to from other websites. has the potential to earn $5 USD in advertisement revenue per day. If the site was up for sale, it would be worth approximately $1,865 USD. Out of the 30 unique keywords found on, "battle of" was the most dense. This site has Google PageRank™ 3 of 10. At the DMOZ open directory project we found no listing for this site.


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