As Trey Parker and Matt Stone would so eloquently put it: Eek, A Penis Vagina!
Zac Efron recently sat down for an intimate chat with Black Book magazine, and during the interview our imaginary boyfriend admitted to getting super scurred before his sex scenes with fellow Paperboy costar Nicole Kidman!
The High School Musical turned indie movie star expressed:
"I've never been so scared in my life, but that moment affirmed this movie was everything I set out to do...
[On the first day of filming] Nicole just completely went for it. She was telling everyone 'I'm bringing my A-game. What do you have?'"
Aw Zacky, you're just not used to a mature woman who knows how to um, make her kitty kat meow so sweetly? We can't imagine Vanessa Hudgens was very experienced in the bedtime funtimes area! (After all, you were both such youngin's at the start!)
We're just glad Zac got over his fears so that we can see him bare it all in compromising positions for Lee Daniels' sexual thriller... our pants are getting uncomfortably tight just THINKING about it!
[Image via WENN.]